How To Study Your Bible

How To Get The Most Out Of Your Bible Study

Timothy Jaycox, Th.D.


Why Study The Bible?

We are instructed to study to show ourselves approved unto God (2 Tim. 2:15).       We also need to know the Word so the Holy Spirit can bring all things to remembrance (Jn. 14:26). If we have not studied or memorized the Word, how can the Holy Spirit bring any of the Word to remembrance? Yet another reason for studying the Bible is for our Spiritual Armor.               In Eph. 6: 17, we are told to take up the Sword of the Spirit.  How can we effectively resist temptation, or witness, if we don’t know much of the Word? We need to have daily devotions, as well as know how to study our Bibles.  The Bible cleans, washes and purifies us (Jn. 15:3, Eph. 5:26), so we can be presented as a chaste virgin to Christ (Eph. 5:27).

A growing problem today is that many Christians do not have much understanding of the Bible past the basic doctrine of Salvation. As a result, many Christians today are worldly; they see nothing wrong with items that are specifically spelled out in the Bible. If we never read our Bibles, or study our Bibles, how can we expect to be pure, or able to memorize it? If we get more out of our Bible study, we will be able to memorize better. We are to study our Bibles so we can give an answer to everyone that asks us a reason of the hope that lieth in us (I Pet. 3: 15).

There are several ways to study your Bible, and, as a result, get more out of it. It is not necessary to have a computer program in order to do this.

A. Books and Methods That Help With Bible Study

1. Listen to The Bible On CD Or Tape Daily

Getting familiar with the entire Bible is an important first step. Most cannot read the entire Bible through in a short amount of time. Listening to the Bible on CD is a good way to familiarize you with the entire Bible in a short amount of time. When you finish, just start over.

2. Get a Chronological Bible

One can purchase a Chronological Bible for about $20.00 today; they help you make more sense of what is going on when. Recording Books of the Bible in that order to listen to on Bible tape or CD would also be quite a help in both knowing when events took place, as well as for memory work.

3. Do a Topical Study

A. Torrey suggests taking a topic and reading through the entire Bible with that topic in mind. This writer has done this with the topic of faith, and gleaned valuable insights he never would have otherwise. Any topic could be chosen. Take, for example, self-control. You could list both positive and negative examples, such as Moses’ self-control in dealing with the children of Israel, as well as the time he didn’t exercise self-control, striking the rock, and the consequences

4. Study Greek and Hebrew

There are numerous courses available; to get a general knowledge of it, obtain a Strong’s Concordance; cross-referencing words helps also. It is very important to get courses that are based on the Textus Receptus.

4a. Mr. Jay Green has a Greek­ Interlinear New Testament with the KJV on one side, the Greek in the middle, and a Literal translation on the other. He also has an Hebrew interlinear. This is an excellent tool. Mr. Green also has a Greek English Lexicon, which helps to understand the meanings of words: New Englishman ·s Greek English Concordance, Wigram-Green.

B. Computer Programs That Help With Bible Study

1. Computer Programs For Desktop Computers

Obtain computer programs of the KJV that help you study the Bible. There are many low cost program s of the KJV. Some are even free after the first copy; they give you permission to install them on all your computers as well as on relatives and friends’ computers. Do word studies of various key words, of all the places they are mentioned, like Fear of the Lord, holiness, etc. This really is a big help in growing spiritually. Studying commentaries may reap some benefits; yet studying the Word will reap more. The best way to define the Bible is by the Bible. George Muller said that, early in his Christian walk, he spent too much time reading books about the Bible, rather than the Bible.

The Bible is more important and more profitable than reading books about what someone thinks about it.

2. The Bible On Handhelds

Obtain the KJV Bible to download onto your handheld computer; it is on numerous web sites free of charge since it is public domain. These programs for handhelds can do just about as much as a regular PC Bible program can do, yet you can take it just about anywhere. The Strong’s Concordance is also available for your handheld computer; this is quite handy, for you can do a word study just about anywhere. Having the Bible on a handheld computer is a great witnessing tool as well; one time this writer was witnessing and couldn’t think of the reference, and the Palm program found it in a short amount of time.

Do a topical study with your desktop computer or with your handheld, just as you would with a Strong’s Concordance. This can bring to your attention many references in a very short amount of time.

3. Bible Language CDs

Purchase an interactive Greek and Hebrew CD that pronounce the Greek and Hebrew letters and words. These are a great help with learning Biblical languages. Greek is easier to learn than Hebrew. Greek has more words that have English equivalents than does Hebrew.